It’s doubtful that you stop and think when an article has been written really well. It’s more likely you would notice something that been written poorly. And that’s the point. Write well and people absorb the message, write badly and get noticed for it! If your reputation is a currency you value, you might want to talk to us. We can either originate copy from the ground up, or provide input to your drafts. Either way we want the same thing – words that make people take action. If you are thinking of having a go yourself, here are 10 things to bear in mind:
- Know and understand the audience you are writing for.
- From the audience point of view, what’s in it for me?
- What’s the USP of your message? Is there one?
- What’s the objective of the communication?
- If it’s an email, is there a killer subject line?
- If it’s a letter, what’s the headline?
- Avoid weak weasel words, use positive vocabulary.
- Do not write in the passive voice.
- Integrate a customer quotation.
- Overall make the copy clean and concise.
Email without obligation, and we’ll arrange to talk about how we can help.
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