Law firm marketing strategy must now incorporate Google My Business as a consequence of Coronavirus. This is in both set up and regular use thereof. Business referral interactions have been diminished during COVID, so that word of mouth recommendation is now lower and Google searches for legal services are rising.
Google My Business legal software integration
If you doubt this claim then consider this. Google has approached legal cloud software supplier Clio to discuss a Google My Business integration. As a result, Clio customers will soon be able to set up Google My Business for their firm, using the assisted set up within the Clio software. This development is a result of changes in human internet search behaviour since March. There are more indirect searches for legal services e.g. ‘Family Solicitor in London’ than a year ago. Simply because the opportunity for word of mouth recommendation has reduced. The number of searches for law firm brands is consequently lower.
It might be a hard fact for some firm’s to accept, but as we move into 2021, consumers will use Google for finding and contacting a lawyer, with the same expectation of response as if they were looking for a nearby restaurant and reservation.
The question is how will law firms respond to this change in people’s internet search habits? Do nothing and opportunities for new business will likely go begging. Throw the existing IT system out and move to Clio? That’s what they might want you to do, but perhaps it’s an over reaction! What firm’s must do is set up Google My Business if they haven’t done so already. And if they have, to check it is set up in a way that it is optimised. You can read our article about this which will help.
We can set Google My Business up for your firm
Alternatively, we can take all the hassle away and set up Google My Business on your behalf, optimised to ensure high performing results. We offer this service for a fixed fee of £250 + VAT. Whatever legal IT system you have installed, make sure Google My Business is up and running alongside it. If you have any questions, just email us and we’ll be happy to help.
Read more about our outsourced marketing help for law firms