Locking society and the economy down was easy compared to unlocking it and keeping the virus in check at the same time. Business owners face two particular challenges:
- Accessing relevant protective equipment
- Giving confidence to customers that their premises is a safe environment
In respect of these two things, a local Fleet business man is supplying perspex screens, touch free hand sanitisers and temperature sensors to shops, restaurants, cafes, gyms, surgeries etc. In fact anywhere people are likely to come into direct contact. CAVE is a busy Audio / Video business usually. But since one of its suppliers temporarily re-purposed its manufacturing, Richard Nicholls realised he was in a unique position to help businesses in North Hampshire. The equipment is ideal for single premise businesses and Richard can provide a complete service from quotation through to installation.
Richard is currently speaking to local business to understand what if any requirements they might have. If this is something you would like to discuss, follow the link so you can be put in contact.
Protective equipment for businesses when lockdown restrictions relax.