I’ve just returned from my fortnightly networking group in Farnborough, Enterprise Connexions.
I was a little jaded, having attended a charity dinner last night helping raise funds for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice. It was dark first thing, there was ice on the car windscreen and our cat was looking at me thinking, humans think we’re not that bright!
Wind forward an hour and a half and I’m energised, educated and entertained. I’m fortunate to be part of a group that freely shares practical knowledge and wisdom.
We heard from Josie Herbert at Phiness PR about Paid, Earned, Social and Owned media (PESO). The difference between them and why a blend of all four are essential to optimise the external profile of growing businesses.
Dominique Stillman (DS Consulting Reach New Heights) shared her article about the 7 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains. They are:
- Sleep- the fundamental bedrock of good health
- Move – the best exercise for your brain is physical exercise
- Nourish – a healthy brain needs a suitably nourished body
- Calm – know your trick to de-stress and practice it
- Connect – socialisation stimulates cognitive function
- Challenge – keep your brain mentally active by ‘feeding’ it content
- Believe – Find your calling. People with a purpose live longer
If you would like a complete copy of Dominique’s Healthy Brains article, email her dominique@reachnewheights.co.uk
Ed from Duolc described the group today as akin to a fellowship. If you would like to attend any of our meetings as a visitor, we would be delighted to see you. Register on Eventbrite